Month: April 2020

  • Outlander episode 508

    Outlander episode 508

    Cold open: Oxford University, 1969. Professor Roger Wakefield is being a little bit of a jerk in that way academics sometimes do to make a point. (I can do without that, whether on TV or in daily life.) Bree enters the classroom and admires him working. In this scene we get the question (but no…

  • Outlander episode 507

    No cold open.  Title card is a man in 1960s or ‘70s clothing writing, “The Ballad of Roger Mac,” which is our episode title. Is this Roger? If so, when? 1771 (finally, we know what year it is!) Hillsborough Roger is singing “Oh, My Darling, Clementine” to Jem, which seemed like an appropriately old-timey song…

  • Outlander episode 506

    No cold open. Title card is a slave powdering a man’s wig. The man wears a creepy cone to protect his face that looks like a cross between one of those old-fashioned plague doctor masks and a dunce cap. Later it becomes clear that this person is Phillip Wylie and that mix is spot-on, frankly.…