Author: Holly
Book Talks With My Boss
Today during a conversation with my boss about books we enjoyed, she told me about her experience re-reading The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin. She first read it in the 1970s when she was in her mid-twenties, and at that time she thought it was all about gender roles, gender identity…
Big Love, Huge Censorship
Yesterday I spent too much time reading articles online about the fact that Mormons worldwide are in an uproar over Big Love’s plans to depict their temple endowment ceremony on TV. Today I spent about an hour trying to write a thoughtful blog post about it, but I kept veering off-topic into my own experiences…
My history in leather
I’ve had this belt for 7 or 8 years. It occurred to me today that a picture of it would say more than a long line of whiny blog posts. (Infer whining – or not – as you wish.)
In Search of Networking Angels
I am tremendously bad at networking. This is ironic because I love to talk and usually have no trouble meeting people. As anyone who knows me in person or from Twitter knows, I can talk about my kids, my pets, books, what’s on TV, yap yappity yap yap all day long. Yet put a business…
I mentioned this on Twitter when I discovered it a few weeks ago: Clocky, the alarm clock that runs away from you. I can't stop thinking about it. For several weeks it seemed that no matter how early I set the time on my alarm, I would not get out of bed until 7:00 AM. This past week…
I had a gray eyebrow hair. I plucked it, along with those few dark hairs at the corner of my mouth; the beginnings of my grandma moustache. While there I noticed a real laugh line running from that corner up to the outer edge of my nostril. It’s deeper in some spots than others. No…
Talk to publishers! See your face in a comic (maybe)!
I have nothing to do with this, but I think it is really cool and I want to tell everyone I know about it: My favorite web comic, Unshelved, is asking its readers to answer the question, "What do you wish publishers knew?" Then they'll make a comic out of the answers and publish it…
Balance is a difficult thing. For me that is literally as well as figuratively true; I’ve always been a klutz. But I’m talking about life balance: time, priorities, attention. Beyond the bare minimum of caring for myself I can only focus on one thing at a time. Too often, the rest falls apart. I can…
Things I’ve done for a dollar
I recently made a list of all the types of jobs I had before going into Human Resources. It’s fair to say that my early “career” fit Wayne Campbell’s description of his own: I had an extensive collection of nametags and hairnets. The list is mildly interesting, so I’ll post it at the end, but…
Taking a moment to look back
In honor of the upcoming Inauguration, here’s a post I wrote on February 14, 2008 after seeing Obama speak in person. Once you read it, you may be able to imagine how shocked I was by his victory on Election night. I didn’t believe it was real until the next morning (and I walked around…